Martial Arts Techniques for Law Enforcement
by Mike Young

Martial Arts Techniques for Law Enforcement, the author, Mike Young, looks like decently trained martial artist, his advice needs to be taken with big reservations.

First: On almost all demonstration pictures he’s promptly displaying his police belt with holstered handgun and attached police baton/tongfa when using his bare hands to block punches and even knife attacks. Well, it’s impressive pictures, but police officer carrying arms for a reason. To use baton against any kind of unarmed attack or attack with a knife is absolutely justified use of force.

Second: Author’s bragging about his ability to kick knife out of assailant’s hand contrasting with his own account on observations of police officer’s training under his instructions: all of them had “cut” marks (from soft marker tips used in training knifes during his instructions) after training fights that in a real fight would be disabling (at best) of fatal. You never know who is your “chancy knifer”, how skilled he is, if he’s left-handy (or can use both hands equally), and what are his attack patterns. Miscalculation of any of those factors can cost you your life. He even recalling his concerns about gravel under his foot, but never mind – he’s going to kick the knife out! (Well, his partner shot the assailant, leaving Mr. Young without a chance to proof his macho “self”).

Third: Strangulation. He’s correctly approximate the duration of oxygen deprivation to induce passing-out from about 4 to no longer the 12 seconds for different individuals (sport Judo recommendations limiting it to 3 seconds). He’s warning about very grave health risks associated with this been “longer than 4 or 12 seconds”. However, he does recommend using it to subdue violent suspects for unobstructed handcuffing! Well, 4 and 12 seconds is a big difference – difference between life and death! How police officer would know how long it will take for suspect (he’s most likely seeing first time in his life) to pass-out? How he’ll measure “4 or 12 seconds” in adrenalin rush of arresting scuffle? Also, in sport Judo strangulation risk is mitigated by preparedness and readiness to apply recuperation procedures. Would arresting officer will be able to do it on handcuffed suspect (handcuffing will be very significant barrier to applying proper techniques; Mr. Young not even mention the issue of recuperation in his book at all)? If “suspect” will die, how police officer will justify his actions? By quoting from Mr. Young’s book? And what if “suspect” will fake passing-out or wasn’t passing “deep” enough (let say, he was strangled only for 4 seconds and he “needed” 12) and will attack arresting officer when he release his grip and try to handcuff him? Would Mr. Young pay college tuition for this officer’s kids? Strangulation are deadly technique. Outside of training tatami and properly supervised competitions you should use it ONLY if you’re ready to go to the end and to deal with its lethal consequences.

One thing that entertained me in this book is “one-hand techniques” that applied by police officer with drown handgun or by SWAT member with aim-ready machinegun in one hand who deflecting knife strike with another. Well, Mr. Young saying that it’s real life situation that facing US law enforcement officers. Who am I to dispute it! However, it looks for me strange that anyone will assault an officer with drown-n’-ready gun this way (not to mention that officer is in a position to use his gun). But… lets it go.

Conclusion: Martial Arts Techniques for Law Enforcement by Mike Young is entertaining book, however I would hesitate to recommend it for using as your guide in learning police hand-to-hand and self-defense skills.

Martial Arts Techniques for Law Enforcement by Mike Young


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